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    • jbuchana4 years ago

      One thing I've always liked about the internet is that it gives a voice to anyone who wants to put their ideas out there. I think more good than harm has come from this, but we are all responsible to fact-check ideas that might lead to dangerous action or inaction. I think the public is bad at that, but as time goes on, people seem to be getting the idea. At least some people.

    • Alexa4 years ago

      V interesting.

      I was also drawn to this line:

      In some ways, this is the promise of Medium: to make the work of amateurs look professional.

      I'm glad to see the conversation build on this. I think we have neglected how much personal responsibility we have to make sure the information we consume and take as truth is from reputable sources.

      The news cycle hasn't been reliable in this way for ages (maybe at all), we consider countries that really spin their news as so different from the US and other places, but accurate is what we read?

      all we can do is vet what we read and give it the smell test...if it smells off, it's probably bullshit.

    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      But the decision to curate some content — to hire professional journalists and promote verified articles — has made it harder to tell fact from fiction on the platform. While user-generated pieces now have a warning at the top telling users the content isn’t fact-checked, they look otherwise identical to those written by medical experts or reporters. In some ways, this is the promise of Medium: to make the work of amateurs look professional.