  1. The New YorkerNathan Heller7/2/1824 min
    7 reads2 comments
    The New Yorker
    7 reads
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    • joanne5 years ago

      At first it seemed absurd to me but this article changed my mind. It seems there are a lot of pluses that seem plausible...I remember hearing about direct giving to a village in Africa years ago, so happy it’s working. I would definitely listen to Andre Yang, hope he makes the debates.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      I'm panicked and confused about my taxes right now. So, naturally, I'm enthusiastic about any plan that involves nuking the entire current tax code. There's no reason that it has to be so confusing. I really love this sentence: “The way things are is really the way we choose for them to be."

      It's time for UBI in the USA. It would be a great way to re-establish ourselves as the leaders of the free world, and cement our status as the most innovative country/society in the history of the world. With a basic income provided by the government, I definitely wouldn't stop working. I'd be a lot less stressed, though, and probably much better at my job. I strongly agree that G.D.P. is NOT a good metric of prosperity since it doesn’t reflect health, air & water quality, equity, etc.

      I'm tentatively very excited about Andrew Yang for president. Also, I loved reading about Chris Hughes's backstory. Fascinating stuff.