  1. The Baffler1/7/1925 min
    5 reads3 comments
    The Baffler
    5 reads
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Some parts are messy and the snark factor is too high, but overall I thought this was an insightful, enjoyable read.

      Household furnishings and clothing have become cheaper by becoming shittier and less durable.

      • jeff4 years ago

        You know the snark factor is off the charts when both of us think it's a bit too much. Do you think the irony that he's written a shitty econ article critiquing a shitty econ report is lost on the author?

        Most modern TVs are technologically incapable of natively displaying video shot at twenty-four frames per second, the standard frame rate of nearly every film ever produced since The Jazz Singer in 1927. It is effectively impossible, on almost every new TV, to watch a movie as it was intended to be seen.

        This makes absolutely zero sense. No TVs produced anywhere in the world at any time had a 24 FPS frame rate. I wonder how much of the rest of the article was just completely imagined or made up. I'm definitely baffled.

    • jbuchana4 years ago

      Well worth reading, it summarizes much of what I've been reading for years now. As a summary, it doesn't include everything that's wrong with society, but it's a good start.