  1. The AtlanticMandy Len Catron7/2/1915 min
    19 reads6 comments
    The Atlantic
    19 reads
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    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      “Expanding our sense of what Love looks like.”


      Love is the marrow of life, and yet, so often people attempt to funnel it into the narrow channels prescribed by marriage and the nuclear family.

    • turtlebubble4 years ago

      Wow such polarizing comments! I want to note that when rating articles I don’t think of it as wether or not I agree with the sentiment but more literally how likely I am to recommend this piece of writing to others. I think an 8 is pretty good. I give a 10 to things that I think everyone everywhere would benefit from reading because it either painted a beautiful literary picture or did an exceptional job at arguing a point I think is important.

      As a recently married person I felt a lot of this article wholeheartedly! I just didn’t think it really sold any thesis too hard.. just some very important things to consider when deciding to live with a monogamous partner and/or get married. Remain an individual and don’t loose touch with friends and family!

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        4 years ago

        GREAT summary of the article! And in one sentence - how is that possible?!!!

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Upvote. Perfect job clarifying the intent and purpose of rating. Nailed it.

        Marriage is such an IRL conversation. It’s really hard to talk about online, and I just mean the decision to have one, not even the act of living in one. I meet 50% single people and 50% couples on the road. Although maybe the ratio ends up double couple-people because they count as two. Anyway, lots of both!

        I wonder how long it will be into the future until marriage doesn’t exist. The end of marriage will come long before the extinction of humans. I wonder if it might spur an entirely different way of thinking that, in turn, restores humans to a level of consciousness that connects their own well-being with the well-being of all life on the planet. I think that 3 or 4 presidential cycles from now half the world will be vegan(ish). The question, to me, is whether or not it will be by choice.

        I always appreciate articles on topics that we take for granted as Americans, like no free healthcare. In the time since reading this article, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how American has a marriage-heavy culture compared to most other places, today and throughout history.

        “Don’t lose touch with friends and family.” That rings like a bell! Miss you all! -B Pour one out for me (not actually) CBD latte and bagel, UGH, wanting it now more than anything.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      The fact that this was in the top 10 this morning means that a lot of Readup readers are thinking about what I’m thinking about these days. Not surprising. And awesome.

      The fact that it has a relatively low(ish) score might mean that there’s not universal agreement. Also not surprising. Also awesome.

      With age, I’m becoming more radical, more insistent that the path to a good life is to buck the norm. I’m also becoming increasingly anti-government, anti-institution, anti-“script.” So it’s hard for me to tell if I’m anti-marriage for personal reasons (there are many) or if it’s more like collateral damage, based on higher-level thinking about how humans and society should function. Ultimately, though, I think my anti-marriage stance comes from a place of optimism. In short, I just don’t think that True Love (the eternal, spiritual shit! :P) requires getting Uncle Sam involved. Unless, of course, you wanna reap some benefits, in which case, go for it! We should all be using the system, instead of getting used by it, while basically also fighting it at the same time. If that makes sense. (Does it?)

      Awesome topic for further discussion. Bring it, people.

      • workingmom12924 years ago

        FIrst, I did not care for the article, but more on that in another comment, I am still working on.

        Second, Your comment is serious in nature, but I am sorry, all I could picture was the Lego Movie. Where they go to Cloud Cuckoo Land and Wild Child says to Princess Unikitty "You just said no, like a thousand times."

        Also another movie quote honing in on your anti-marriage idea (really dont like that phrase). In Pride and Prejudice starring Keira Knightley as Elizabeth and she is talking to her aunt in the kitchen about men. Her aunt replies "Take care my love, that savors strongly of bitterness."

        That said, I am old school thinking on the matter of marriage.

        I am Pro-Commitment and Pro-Marriage, even with all its ups and downs, and the possible ugly side of separation and divorce. After some of my relationships in this earthly life, I can see why a woman should let the man take the lead and why she should let him do the proposing. If he wants you, he will make a claim for you, and if he doesn't he will let you take the lead or let you go (another great movie to go along with this idea is He's Just Not That Into You).