  1. The AtlanticNathaniel Rich3/14/1712 min
    8 reads7 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • TripleG
      Top reader this weekTop reader of all timeReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      I agree with Jeff. If he worked for a year or two, he could have saved enough money to live in the woods for decades without break-Ins and stealing.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      Very disappointing, indeed. In my opinion, this is not a seer but more a mentally ill person who seems to have come from a family of similar dysfunction. Relationships with others is how we grow and expand in all areas of our lives - mentally, spiritually, emotionally, physically. I agree that technology can be a problem but solutions are easily available such as turning off your devices and taking a walk in nature. That seems to be the bigger message here - get outside, even if for a short time.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Ha! This is one of those times when my emotional/reading experience was so different from yours. (@Pegeen, following you on here is such a riot! In the best way!)

        I loved this article and loved this guy. My wish for the world is that many more people will live with such wildness, tenacity, clarity, and general awesomeness.

        But, your comment, of course, is still so true. Relationships are everything. And, of course, yes to getting outside!

        • Pegeen
          Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
          4 years ago

          There are a few things that I had a problem with Bill. First, he just dropped off the planet and I would assume his family was worried sick about him. Maybe I’m not recalling it correctly but if that’s the case, it’s terribly selfish. If either of my kids just left to live like a hermit without telling me, I’d spend the rest of my life searching for them! It would be my worst nightmare! As someone whose home was broken into, I can only say it was SO painful and disruptive to my peace of mind. I’m not okay with it no matter how little he stole - it was not his to take. And lastly, I don’t find “dropping out” a heroic life - I find living within society a truly heroic journey if you can do it with equanimity, love, compassion and contributing to the Greater Good. I find that “others” pull much more from me than I could ever do by myself. And I’m very glad you are finding me amusing!

          • bill
            Top reader of all time
            4 years ago

            Not just amusing! I'm so thankful to have this alternative perspective because, ultimately, I really do agree with everything you're saying. So many points I didn't adequately consider during or after my reading!

            At this point, I guess I'd have to concede that I'm with you and @jeff - all things considered, this guy definitely isn't a hero.

    • jeff
      4 years ago

      I was so ready to be psyched on this guy before becoming so decidedly unpsyched after learning how he was actually living.

      I feel like there should be an opt-out program for society where you can live in solitude indefinitely on uninhabited public land. Of course you wouldn't be allowed to build permanent structures or commit crimes so it wouldn't have worked for Knight anyway. I think that calling him a "seer" is ridiculous. If you don't want to truly live like a hunter-gatherer (which he wasn't) then I don't think it's too oppressive to have to work for a few years to save up enough money to buy a plot of land where you can legally live apart from everyone else. This is something you could do in just a few years working a job that pays almost nothing as long as you really don't care about how out in the middle of nowhere you will have to be.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Epic comment.

        I do think he’s a “seer” - at the very least, he def sees the world differently from the rest of us. So we could probably learn a lot from him.