  1. The AtlanticRebecca Ruiz7/7/1410 min
    4 reads2 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      I LOVE innovators like Dr. Nicole Brown and Dr. Kate Szymanski. Their approach to treating ADHD is brilliant - seeing beyond and beneath the symptoms of ADHD and getting to a possible root cause, such as childhood trauma. “When people don’t understand there’s been a Tiger in your life, it looks like ADHD to them. Trauma is a family experience, it never occurs in a vacuum.” “The available behavioral therapies for ADHD focus on time management and organizational skills and aren’t designed to treat emotional and psychological turmoil.” This is a very important step in the overall treatment and care of children with behavioral problems. Another very valuable avenue to explore. I found such hope in this article.

    • kurpels4 years ago

      Trauma in kiddos is so common in school. ACEs impact all.