  1. The AtlanticAndrew Ferguson11/11/1916 min
    5 reads5 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • joanne
      Reading streak
      4 years ago

      I've been to so many "workshops" in my life, therapy too, and I think it's a good start. I agree with the neighborhood thing, being in contact with people makes it easier to be open to different perspectives. Being on our computers and in echo chambers does not create empathy. I also think we need to start these conversations in schools at an early age. Working on listening, language skills, learning what the parties represent and how and why we tend to form our political alliances would help the great divide in our country.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Exactly right! Couldn’t agree more!!

    • SEnkey4 years ago

      Interesting. It does seem like our melting pot just isn't mixing as much as it used to. I grew up in a military family, surrounded by military families. I know work in white collar affluent areas and it shocks me how little people understand about the military, or construction, or hourly jobs. Of course, I go home to visit and find the same lack of knowledge about white collar jobs. But why should we be surprised by this? The days of shared neighborhoods where your boss lived down the street and your janitor down the other are over. Maybe it is the case that understanding used to be easier because we knew each other better (not by choice just by living with each other); understanding is still possible - it will just take more work.

      • SEnkey4 years ago

        That know should be a correct.

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          4 years ago

          Great comment. Great article. Thanks for sharing! We SHALL overcome :)