  1. superorganizers.substack.comDan Shipper24 min
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    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      4 years ago

      Amazing interview! @ThisIsSethsBlog @danshipper

      Organizing is like building a case to hold your tools. You don’t get points for making it fancy, you get points for doing the work.

      But being productive and being organized are not always the same thing. The trap with organizing is that it can sometimes be an excuse not to ship things.

      When you make any piece of work that matters, the vast majority of people aren't going to like it. And there are several ways to get through that. One way to get through that is to sand off the edges and make it so that no one hates it. That's a bad idea. The other way to get through it is to deliberately insulate yourself from the people who don't get the joke.

      If someone who gets the joke, can honestly say to you, you're not achieving what you’re seeking to achieve with a piece of work, that's priceless feedback. But if someone says, “I don't like that,” Then I haven't learned anything from that.

      You need to teach like this because the way people change isn’t logical. We invented logic long after we became humans. People change when they decide to change, when they take off an old piece of their identity and put on another one. Like a uniform.