  1. spiritualityhealth.comJill Angelo2/15/163 min
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      1 year ago

      I personally don’t feel it’s the physical space that holds the magic of a home but what each individual brings to that space. It’s imagination, creativity and love that make a home a sanctuary. One of my favorite past times is riding my bike through neighborhoods looking at people’s homes. I tend to love the small funky unique homes to the grand unoriginal McMansions. Gardens, sculptures, colorful flower pots on tucked away decks, mosaic, unusual doors, archways - all of it adds such character and delight. I come home from those rides inspired but also so incredibly grateful for my own unique sanctuary. My mom knew had to make a home hers and she gave that blessing to me and my 4 sisters. We all love our homes.