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    • Jank4 years ago

      Mancini can justifiably speak foul of this coup d’eDoll. Although portrayed as quite the bastard, it is evident that Chucky is no such thing, Mancini loves him and has for 30 years. Hollywood will repackage anyone’s creation and put it on sale if they legally can, we see this all the time and often wish we hadn’t!

      But I must regretfully inform you Mr Mancini, Child’s Play (2019) was great! Although not as malicious, ugly or foul mouthed as your devil doll, the new Chucky situates himself well in the post postmodern techno commentary not unlike that of the great Black Mirror. My wife and I immediately revisited the first three films, purchasing the second Child’s Play on Amazon. I hope a couple pennies went your way.

      “Don’t fuck with the Chuck”, but if you do, do it well enough!

    • turtlebubble4 years ago

      Fuck. I loved the new Child’s Play! And the originals! And the shitty fun sequels. I didn’t know about this fork in the road until now but seeing it ignorant of the drama I thought it was so fun and funny and good looking. I’d like to think if I was Mancini and the other original cast that my love for Chucky would shine brighter than any other emotion. And knowing that there’d be a reimagined Chucky in theaters with a fresh star studded cast would make me happy that Chucky was getting in peoples heads again. After seeing the new reboot we immediately went home and watched the 3 originals and I can’t wait to keep going. Viva la Chucky!