  1. RelatoCorto.com4/14/212 min
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    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      Very Mr. Robot elite conspiracy type short story.

      My rebuttal to this:

      “…we start a pandemic with some controllable biological weapon. Then we forced the people to be injected with another biological weapon.”

      “How do you plan to do that?” asked Paul Gottard.

      “Easy, we just have to say that it is the vaccine for the pandemic. After all, people are handled easily with fear. The second biological weapon will be supplied to the most vulnerable and those with the greatest exposure to the virus. This way we’ll create a civilization without doctors or elders.”

      “That would increase death rates from childbirth,” said Samira Eras, with a smile.

      “Without doctors people will die from trivial diseases,” said James Cotton.

      Is “not if the masses Wake the Fuck Up to self-healing and plant/nature medicine first. Start taking back the power we give too often to medical authorities and institutions. Not all are bad, but I want guiding medical expertise from individuals driven by Whole Wellness vs the almighty dollar, personally. We can heal So Much outside the box of the established healthcare system.