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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Wow. Many of these places in California - Pacifica, SF and Broad Beach - are very special to me. But the whole time that I was reading this, I was actually thinking about the barrier island in New Jersey (aka “The Jersey Shore”) where I grew up. The political debacle in Cali is a mess, but at least they’re talking about it. In Jersey, the conversations have yet to begin.

      It’s so true that you shouldn’t scare people with too much information too fast about rising sea-levels. It’s counterproductive. But I often find it impossible to resist saying things like, “This is all going to be under water by 2050!!”

      I’m not afraid of storms and flooding as much as civil unrest. Mother Nature problems are going to lead to economic problems which are going to lead to human survival problems.