  1. Karthi's BlogKarthi Subbaraman4/7/215 min
    7 reads1 comment
    Karthi's Blog
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    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Courage is not the absence of fear but your ability to do things in the presence of fear. That is the highest virtue of a maker. Make your reality happen by pushing it a little past fear.

      1. Update (4/8/2021):

        It just had a 12-inch touch screen (thanks to iphone launch) docked on a thin cylindrical platform that is connected to wifi. All things to be printed can be stored temporarily and printed from the screen. Till then (even now) you can print from the printer, you always needed something to be connected. "May be if i pushed it hard enough, we would have better printers today 🤦‍♀️"