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    • bartadamley3 years ago

      Published in 1888, William Morris voices his displeasure with the avenue education under capitalism is going down. Quite prescient in his major points.

      It is rather the relation of our capitalistic system to general education. For just as the capitalists would at once capture this education in craftsmanship, suck out what little advantage there is in it and then throw it away, so they do with all other education.

      I agree with some aspects of this quote, as all in all I do think capitalism is a good thing.. but we do see the overall impact of capitalism on overly-inflated tuition costs, and pushing traditional uni's to essentially be training grounds for Fortune 500 companies. Perhaps because I was at once a business school student, and I felt my education was highly directed to being a great employee, rather than an entrepeneur.. to be taught how to go along with the status quo.

      My frustrations with education is the lack of really teaching individuals how to enjoy reading, let alone learning. But perhaps this is something we can only realize at first, as individuals? It was not until I started reading outside of class, self-assigned readings from the library, which I still do to this day... that I really came to appreciate literature, learning and education. Realizing that holy shit, this one size fits-all EDU approach is really a byproduct of an industral-aged approach and we really need to do something better with it.