  1. hypotext.co29 min
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    • bartadamley3 years ago

      What the hell is an Antidisciplinarathon? This article answers that question for us, as it details an interesting way of cultivating novel ideas with a large group.

      A discipline is an area of comfort and expertise; an antidiscipline is an area of curiosity, ignorance, boredom, or fear.

      The base questions they asked their participants consisted of examples such as..

      "What do you consider your disciplines?" and "What do you consider your antidisciplines?"

      Then they would pair up groups based on who they thought would generate the most out of the box ideas.. resulting in some pretty wild ideas.

      One of our faculty members pointed out that disciplines are more like broad swaths and that a lot of the most cited papers are the ones in the disruptive "antidisciplinary" spaces.

      Perhaps we have been approaching science/education wrong the whole time? Who knows. Very interesting experiment to say the least!