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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      5 years ago

      The title doesn’t serve the article, which is a deep dive on saffron from Kashmir. (Almost all of the saffron in the world is grown in Iran.) The title isn’t “untrue” per se (saffron will not survive climate change, except maybe in food labs or museums) but it puts the reader into a skeptical, confused mindset which is distracting. When discussing changes in weather, geopolitics, human suffering, and global food markets - all at once! - nuance is of utmost importance.

      Kashmir sounds like it is about to become a nightmarish hell. These people are on the front lines of apocalypse. It feels both crucial AND crazy to be talking about saffron, a spice!

      [Warning: snark attack.] In a few decades, we might not have saffron, but we’ll have Soylent. Thank you Silicon Valley for putting your money in the right place!