  1. divinations.substack.comNathan Baschez9/18/2015 min
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    • bartadamley
      Top reader this weekReading streakScout
      3 years ago

      What creates the largest ripple effects with any software business? Network effects.

      The best software businesses are networks. When every new user that joins makes the network more valuable for the other users, it leads to a sort of accelerating value and growth that is one of the most powerful forces in the world.

      I have experimented vastly with Roam with what one could call 'Single Player' and have been thrilled by the capabilities to accumulate knowledge on given topics... and to have more serendipitous moments with my overall research. Roam has fundamentally changed the way in which I think as I am toeing the lines of drawing more and more connections with each new note I create.. which is an extremely exciting thing.

      It'll be incredibly interesting to see how this can shape out on a multiplayer level, as it really comes down to formatting and accessibility to what each person is working on.

      If this all works right.. I think Roam could kick-start a whole new era of self-taught individuals collaborating based upon their incredibly niche thinking.. it just comes down to finding the others who are interested in what it is we are.