  1. Den of Geek6/22/229 min
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    Den of Geek
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    • KapteinB
      Top reader this weekScoutScribe
      1 year ago

      I never liked multiverses.

      For one; they don't make any sense at all, though that may be a moot point when discussing superhero stories, which tend to make very little sense in general.

      And for two; they function as a get-out-of-jail-free card for writers, who no longer need to care about consistency or logic, since anything can be explained away with some hand-wavey multiverse nonsense.

      That doesn't mean I dislike all multiverse stories. Rick and Morty is loads of fun, but that's mostly because their multiverse episodes are completely taking the piss out of all the multiverse tropes. I also really enjoyed Into the Spider-Verse, which didn't take itself too seriously. But I think ours would be a brighter timeline if Spider-Verse had flopped, because I think its success led directly to the awful No Way Home (which probably has the highest fan-service to content ratio of any film I've ever seen in the theatre), and to Multiverse of Madness (which is possibly the worst film in the MCU, but it's so bad it's good, so it kinda works anyway).

      I haven't seen Everything Everywhere All at Once yet. From what I hear, it's amazing, but that's also what I heard about No Way Home (from Spider-Man fans, who completely ate up all the fan-service). Now that I know it's about multiverses, not sure if I'll ever summon the energy to watch it. I'll probably watch Spider-Verse 2, since I liked the first one so much, so let's hope they don't start playing it straight in that franchise too.

      • thorgalle
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        1 year ago

        Nice reviews :) I never seek out Marvel movies (except the Thor ones maybe, I somehow feel like I should have an opinion there), but I do tag along on them sometimes.

        The last one where I did was No Way Home. I never expect even internal logic in a Marvel movie, let alone across universes. And without much of the context that fans have, I probably missed most of the fan-service. But I still enjoyed that one for the action-movie spectacle it provided.

        With your review it seems like I should seek out Into the Spider-Verse. I enjoyed the third Thor movie most precisely because it took itself less seriously than the prior two.

        • KapteinB
          Top reader this weekScoutScribe
          1 year ago

          But I still enjoyed that one for the action-movie spectacle it provided.

          I will admit; I greatly enjoyed every combat scene Electro was in.

      • Karenz
        1 year ago

        I haven’t watched any of the movies or read comics mentioned in this article—all very much outside my universe—but what rang SO true to me was the line about people around us who appear to live in entirely different realities. I hardly recognize my own country anymore.