  1. You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • bartadamley2 years ago

      This is the type of article that really makes one question what a currency is. It honestly comes down to the assignation of worth between two parties.

      If I hold a “collectible” of the first ever Pokémon card, this would be deemed a very high value to some... whereas to others it might be deemed ridiculous to pay a price of $2 million dollars for example...

      It comes down to a shared agreement that this is worth this.... and I am willing to exchange based off of this value.

      As far as transferring all of my wealth I had just gained from an NFT from Ethereum into US Dollars... I am curious on how the longevity of his “Beeple’s” currency will lead him.

      And it leaves you wondering whether he may put back some of this money into ETH. Such weird times.