  1. Data & Society: Pointsdanah boyd1/5/1711 min
    7 reads2 comments
    Data & Society: Points
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    • bartadamley3 years ago

      The Internet has long been used for gaslighting, and trolls have long targeted adversaries. What has shifted recently is the scale of the operation, the coordination of the attacks, and the strategic agenda of some of the players.

      Oof. What an interesting time we are living through, it is hard to know which story will lead the way nowadays in our media environments... as there are a wide variety of actors both corporate as well as trolls polluting our informational environments.

      The key to making it through this time of immense confusion is to focus on the quality of the information in which you choose to interact with versus quantity.. hence why reading an article better suits us than getting trapped into reading a twitter thread, getting lost amongst the multitude of comments located in the initial tweet's "underbelly."

    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      About memes, doxing, swatting and gaslighting.

      For many who are learning these techniques, it’s no longer simply about fun, nor is it even about the lulz. It has now become about acquiring power.