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    • iamfrank6 years ago

      Coming from a place of observing what the current government is doing, it's my opinion that the government is spending too much time over needless "issues" like this. The fact that 61% of Americans (Pew) support the legalization of marijuana is almost enough in itself to end the "debate" and just legalize it already. It really sucks to see people put in jail/taken to court over minimal marijuana infractions around the country.

    • erica6 years ago

      Useful quick overview of how marijuana policy has changed from the Obama administration to Trump's administration. I attended the Business of Legal Cannabis Conference at Yale SOM yesterday. Several speakers mentioned the "Cole memo" versus the "Sessions memo," which I didn't know about before.

      • jeff
        6 years ago

        As strongly as I disagree with Sessions' personal views on marijuana I respect his position on this issue. Selective enforcement of laws is a blatant violation of the principle of equal protection and its normalization is extremely dangerous, even (or especially) in situations such as this where it has had a desirable outcome. I hope these outraged senators are reaching out to their counterparts in the house to get H.R. 1227, a bipartisan bill to legalize marijuana at the federal level, on the fast track to becoming law.