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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      6 years ago

      Worth the 8 minutes to really read this.

      This hits close to home, since I recently deleted my Facebook and Twitter accounts.

      I continue to have conflicted views about these companies. On the one hand, they're way too powerful. Our lives are just as much in the hands of a few men on the west coast as they are in the hands of a few men (and very few women) in DC.

      Nobody is guilty of anything here. These companies don't have an obligation to keep us safe from Russia, or each other. But it is very surprising that they can't figure out a way to have a better overall impact on society.

      I had never heard of Night Trap. I was six years old when that came out. Just read about it on wikipedia. Fascinating.

      • jeff6 years ago

        On the one hand, they're way too powerful.

        What does this mean? These kinds of statements drive me absolutely insane. Too powerful by what measure? If they are indeed too powerful then what, if anything, should be done about it?

        At its heart is the question of whether Facebook, Twitter and Google negligently allowed Russia-backed operatives to use their services to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

        Motherfucker, unless someone is manipulating tallies in voting machines no one is "interfering" with the election. Any argument to the contrary is predicated on the idea that there should not be a free market of information and that false statements or "fake news" should be policed by some central authority.

        Hopefully these hearings amount to nothing more than the usual parade of grand standing morons looking for a 15 second clip they can use in their next reelection ad. I'm glad the author drew the comparison to the government's attack on the video game industry since it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that it's a good thing that extremist nanny state nut jobs like Lieberman did not get their way.

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          6 years ago

          Too powerful by some measure I can't describe - just a gut feeling. We should support local & small-sized businesses.

          First curse word on!? Zoinks! I'm trying to imagine how I'd feel if the United States was caught on the other side of the equation - buying Facebook ads to impact some foreign election. I don't know how I feel about that. I'm pretty positive I literally don't care about anything involving the intersection of "Russia" and "politics."

          There's no such thing as real news.

          I want to read the transcripts of these hearings. Or maybe watch on C-SPAN. I've enjoyed following news like this since deleting Twitter/Facebook. Refreshing to actually have to form my own opinions again.