  1. You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • Florian4 years ago

      This sums up the article:

      While the agency appears caught between Scylla and Charybdis — between nationalization (a merger with Amazon) or privatization (who knows, maybe also by Amazon) — there are other routes the future could take. Alternatives might include some of the same service cuts that a private owner would be likely to introduce, like the five-day delivery week that the service has long pondered, only without selling out the agency. Or USPS service could expand to include postal banking, public internet, and other social services.

      I’m not sure what my solution would be but these are some scary scenarios

    • jbuchana4 years ago

      I can't imagine privatizing the postal service. It's simply a truly a bad idea.

    • Alexa4 years ago

      I've ended up down a strange USPS rabbithole...I'm not bummed about getting less wasteful advertisements in the mail but the thought of not slapping a stamp on an envelope and sending it on it's way seems unfathomable