  1. The New York Times CompanyGERRY MULLANY, RUSSELL GOLDMAN10/2/178 min
    5 reads3 comments
    The New York Times Company
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    • GonzoJourno6 years ago

      I disagree that humans are inherently violent. While there will always be cases of violence, humans are aware that the survival of species depends on collectivism rather than individualism. People exhibiting individualism - whether it be through religious, sectarian, or any other ways are always going to lose. And of course, there are also mental health issues.

      The problem really is that although a majority has bought into this idea, there are instances or groups that have not.

      If anything, promoting intelligent discourse that are not knee jerk reactions brings us together.

      • jeff6 years ago

        I agree that humans aren't inherently violent to the extent that I don't think violence is a binary trait. Humans and other mammals can behave aggressively for a variety of different reasons. The most horrifying of which might be pure sadism, but killing solely for the sake of pleasure is comparatively rare and not unique to humans.

        I don't understand the connection to individualism and collectivism. Are you suggesting there is some link between individualism and violence?

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      6 years ago

      Since it was country music (not EDM) my friends probably weren't there. That was my first thought.

      Humans are violent and this kind of thing is unavoidable. That was my second thought.

      The line between pessimist and realist is thin.

      Then, everything gives way to anger. Fuck. that. guy. Maybe I do believe in hell. Or want to...

      The sun keeps rising in the sky and the day marches forward. People will be talking about this. In real life. And on the internet. I'll have to participate. Say the lines. Sometimes I think that reading -- really reading -- could make a difference. Right now, that sounds like a complete joke.