  1. The New York Times CompanyNELLIE BOWLES10/6/197 min
    5 reads3 comments
    The New York Times Company
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Nir Eyal is so full of hypocrisy it literally boggles the mind. His new book is a 100% reversal of his previous work, yet he refuses to disavow it. Seriously confusing. This guy needs a longer digital detox to organize his thoughts.

      • jeff4 years ago

        Really? I found myself nodding along in agreement with Eyal the whole time! I thought this was the craziest thing in the whole article:

        Given that the tech itself is addictive, Mr. Harris argued, the onus for fixing this is not on the individual.

        I couldn't disagree with that sentiment more.

      • Jessica4 years ago

        I listened to a debate between Eyal and Ezra Klein on an episode of Klein’s podcast regarding this topic and was shaking my head at Eyal the whole time. Personal responsibility is important, but it can’t triumph over the responsibility tech companies aren’t currently taking.