  1. vitalik.ca21 min
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    • bartadamley3 years ago

      This article does a brilliant job capturing what it means to be legitimate.

      Legitimacy is a pattern of higher-order acceptance. An outcome in some social context is legitimate if the people in that social context broadly accept and play their part in enacting that outcome, and each individual person does so because they expect everyone else to do the same.

      So much of the way society operates is based on a shared acceptance of legitimacy. Especially as we think about the "value" of some financial instrument, good, product and/or service.

      Hearing more from the Ethereum founder himself: Vitalik Buterin, as to why legitimacy is the basis of pretty much any societal function... was a refreshing take. Especially as it relates to the buzz of NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

      Cannot recommend this read enough. So many further questions to explore!