  1. Reforge11 min
    4 reads4 comments
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Startup growth fundamentals. Really helpful for me to read over the weekend.

      I'm happy to talk shop if people are interested in how we think about this Readup and Twitter integration. This article is an excellent, semi-technical primer to that conversation.


      • jeff4 years ago

        Great article, loved the examples! We need to finish the actual AOTD email marketing that explains what "crowdsourced by the community" means with a link to a blog post and prompt to forward it to others to make the articles even better. Not a hyperloop but could still be something.

        Re: Twitter I think the "card" could be an important component, though it looks like they're not expanded by default. Either way we'll have to experiment. I'm thinking we'd probably want to use the Summary card for individual comment URLs and I should probably implement the App card for the home page, no?

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          4 years ago

          implement the App card for the home page

          💯 Totes!

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          4 years ago

          We need to finish the actual AOTD email marketing that explains what "crowdsourced by the community" means with a link to a blog post and prompt to forward it to others to make the articles even better.

          Yes. In pivotal. 🐭