  1. palladium magazineRyan Khurana7/5/1918 min
    7 reads3 comments
    palladium magazine
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Excellent article explaining the risks of excessive automation and the undervaluing of skilled workers. “Improving the conversation around automation starts with an improvement in attitudes towards labor.” Seems Germany has a good model to study.

    • jeff3 years ago

      Wish I could give this an 11! I like Yang and Musk but the general AI hype lunacy has to be called out for what it is. I love coming across an author that really gets it.

    • bartadamley3 years ago

      Humans are underrated plain and simple!

      Musk himself has been a big proponent of these narratives, having prominently raised the alarm about the possible existential threat of a future general AI so powerful that it will surpass the collective economic, political, and military potential of humanity. In practice, the technology just isn’t there. From self-driving car crashes to failed workplace algorithms, many AI tools fail to perform simple tasks humans excel at, let alone far surpass us in every way.

      Those who actually do the work know the limitations of metrics and understand that fuzzy logic is sometimes necessary for good decisions. The reality is that we often know more than we can explain and render explicit. Automation is a threat only because we believe it to be a threat, but it would stop being one if we acknowledged just how underrated humans are.