  1. @CamemBearsandPampleMoose
    • CamemBearsandPampleMoosecommented3 years ago

      Is very much identify with Kathryn Schultz‘s perspective on Twitter, And how it has stolen my time in misdirected my intentions. And all in the most enjoyable fashion!

      I follow very interesting, thoughtful, knowledgeable people, and I think somehow that that makes it okay, the time I spend. And there’s been a lot that I’ve been able to learn as a result of that time on that platform, but I feel like I have lost some things as well. I know this has had an affect on my brain, and my attention span, on the way I think. I find it harder to read long articles and books. I find it harder to pay attention to a single thing for more than a few minutes. I find the joy of things as in the attention and effort given to them, and that’s even more difficult and more elusive than ever.