  1. zettelkasten.desascha38 min
    8 reads2 comments
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    • Raven3 years ago

      WoW!!! This was an eye opening read. Creating such a useful tool for retaining knowledge work sounds like an essential part of any project that has any scale.

    • bartadamley3 years ago

      holy smokes. creating a zettelkasten for my system of notetaking is going to be an immense undertaking, but reading very thorough pieces such as this... which is somehow listed as an 'introduction' yet extremely specific.. is incredibly helpful.

      The idea of implementing a Zettelkasten (which means 'slipbox') in German, is to develop a notetaking system.. that develops not a collection of notes.. but instead a web of interconnected notes.

      Ensuring that your notetaking system, has a way to repackage/repurpose thoughts is a way to ensure that none of your knowledge work goes to waste.

      The real challenge lies within the organizational structure of your Zettelkasten. Hence, my reading of this today. Tons of work to do on this!