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    • jamie6 years ago

      Yet another attempt to defend an undefendable action. Oddly I am starting to understand some Trump supporters, I hope I am incorrect in this opinion but it seems Trumpers are single issue voters and it doesn't matter who the messenger is as long as he/she champions the needed cause. I think that is extremely shortsighted and dangerous. We are a diverse community of many important issues and needs. I do not believe he has the empathy or desire to lead and the people who support him seem desperate and disconnected to the bigger issues.

    • morepete6 years ago

      Non-religious people too often take evangelical support for Trump as within biblical teachings. It's really, REALLY not.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        6 years ago

        what do you mean? ps thanks for sharing this article! its great!! i didn't realize king david was the david/goliath david, or any of the other rich details. biblical texts are nutso

        • morepete6 years ago

          For example that there's so great biblical account of the Bible celebrating immoral people as leaders, which is just not in the scripture.

          The other side of it is the pretense that because he says he's a christian, all of the many sketchy things he's done sexually, his predatory business practices, etc, are forgiven. They're not.

          You have to ask God for forgiveness, at least in protestant tradition, in order to be redeemed. And Trump has gone out of his way to say he's never asked for forgiveness because he doesn't need it.

          Moreover, once you're born again, the expectation is that you stop acting sinfully, which...

          Note -- I am not a practicing christian, but I know my doctrine fairly well from my upbringing.

    • joanne6 years ago

      The hypocrisy is mind boggling.