  1. UPLIFT3/10/1914 min
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    • joanne5 years ago

      Love this article. It’s very much rooted in Yoga (the eight limb Eastern tradition) We are all connected in this web of life and unless we love ourselves unconditionally it would be impossible to love everyone. Being part of nature and honoring every living thing allows for space in our perspectives. That space leads to contentment which is not getting caught up in our desires and aversions.

    • asergiou175 years ago

      I understand everything Anita is saying. My life has become infinitely better once I decided to push away my negative thoughts. I have started loving myself and it has made me a better person overall.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago


        Easier said than done, but still - Amen!

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      5 years ago

      I read Anita’s book Dying To Be Me when it first came out in 2012. It’s a compelling read and I highly recommend it. I have long believed her message to be true - that self-love is imperative for a healthy self, community, nation and world. It sounds perhaps corny, cliche or even simplistic, but I urge readers to really contemplate this idea. It’s radical but often misunderstood. Self love is about/includes self acceptance, which is even more difficult, as it is in our nature to always seek “emprovement” instead of taking the time to actually go inside and discover the perfection that is already there waiting to be unearthed. This, for me, is not about doing, but more undoing, all the negative, disempowering messages that I grew up with.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago

        Way “corny,” but I was with it all the way! Thanks so much for the comment! Every time I was like, “oh this is too self-helpy for me,” I took a breath and reminded myself to just take in the information and be with it, and more often than not I felt that it was possible to relax into most of these ideas. And some of them are extremely profound. The simplest, most obvious things often are.

        I agree with you 100% re: undoing vs. doing, and that’s very well said! That’s why we go on long walks and try to be in nature. To do the “unearthing” you describe.

        Perfect uplift before bed! Sweet dreams, here I come! <3

        • Pegeen
          Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
          5 years ago

          Thanks Bill. I’m a huge proponent of self love and self acceptance because I was unaware I lacked those qualities in myself. It wasn’t until Superstorm Sandy removed all my masks and ripped the “proverbial Pegeen personality” right out from under my feet that I had a profound awakening to many truths. It was certainly a dark night of the soul but it brought as many gifts as it did terror. Love your neighbor as yourself - corny? Just try it for a day!