  1. The Outline3/3/185 min
    5 reads4 comments
    The Outline
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    • Jank6 years ago

      It is an amazing feat that someone can physically deliver a meal from a kitchen across town straight to your door? Seamless should stop fostering the notion that anyone sitting on their ass is entitled to anything more than that, especially when proper compensation is not even required. Great read.

    • jamie6 years ago

      As a non-city dweller I rarely see this type of advertising...... But I like them!
      This writer is 'on it' I really enjoy his writing.

    • Dorothy6 years ago

      I'm shocked that those are actual ads! I had never seen them before

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      6 years ago

      So many thumbs up. This is hilarious. I see these ads everywhere, and they always freak me out. I'm so glad that we live on a planet where someone wrote this.