  1. The New YorkerMonica Heisey5/6/154 min
    3 reads2 comments
    The New Yorker
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    • Alexa2 years ago

      I can't believe this gem hasn't graced the 1's and 0's of Readup yet. Pinterest personified.

      It's HILARIOUS, and makes me feel vindicated about not being able to log onto Pinterest without wanting to burn my current wardrobe, completely rewrite my eating plan, redecorate my house and make a crap-ton of salads in mason jars. That platform is cursed.

      • jeff
        2 years ago

        Absolute gem! New to me and timeless, as much as anything written about the quirks of a specific tech platform could be. I guess this is about much more than Pinterest though. I've literally only been on that site one or two times but I still felt this piece. Gave me some serious Maya Millennial vibes.