  1. The Guardian6/27/2014 min
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    The Guardian
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    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      Great life lessons this lady learned from the poker game. I Agreed with her thoughts. Little things affect our life & the way she'd overcome uncertainties just awesome.

      Our thinking about luck has real consequences in terms of our emotional well being, our decisions, and the way we implicitly view the world and our role in it.

      How we frame something affects not just our thinking but our emotional state. It may seem a small deal, but the words we select – the ones we filter out and the ones we eventually choose to put forward – are a mirror to our thinking.

      Poker is a way to conceptualize the mess, clean its parameters just enough to allow you to grapple with uncertainty with some semblance of control. You never know someone else’s mind, just like you can never know any poker hand but your own–but you can do your best with what you have.