  1. The GuardianJames Nestor7/26/2011 min
    27 reads10 comments
    The Guardian
    27 reads
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    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      I did some slow breathing in a huge empty church this morning and it was awesome.

    • Florian3 years ago

      Seven books of the Chinese Tao dating back to around 400BC focussed entirely on breathing, how it could kill us or heal us, depending on how we used it

      And yet we prefer to swallow pills for the slightest headache

    • jeff
      3 years ago

      Great read! The author was recently on Rogan. Really good episode. He goes deep on some of the topics mentioned in the article and a bunch more. It's crazy how detrimental poor breathing habits can be (he talks extensively about mouth-breathing and sleep apnea) and what can be achieved through breath work.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Inspiring. Breath is the key to life.

    • joanne3 years ago

      Love this, so simple and so consequential.

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      A definite yes, it works!

    • Ruchita_Ganurkar3 years ago

      Hindus considered breath and spirit the same thing and described elaborate practices that were meant to balance breathing and preserve both physical and mental health. Then there were the Buddhists, who used breathing not only to lengthen their lives but to reach higher planes of consciousness.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        3 years ago
