  1. The CutAdam Sternbergh5/29/1834 min
    7 reads6 comments
    The Cut
    7 reads
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    • tdsimpson905 years ago

      Loved this article! I just signed up for the coursera course. This makes me want to be more diligent about my meditation practice and also made me reconsider what I'm valuing in my everyday decision-making, i.e. time vs money. Very thought-provoking. I've never kept a gratitude journal but maybe I'll try it out for a week just for fun. I also found it very interesting that being responsible for something/someone brought happiness to people. It makes sense, but I could also see the opposite.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Love this post! <3

    • joanne5 years ago

      My sangha recommended this article. We were having a discussion on how our sangha (now gathering for more that 13 years), meditation, dharma talks and personal reflections has changed our lives. Loved the article, loved that it is a college course but not anything really new. The usual; community, nature, exercise, time, sleep were all precursors for "being happy". I think they missed diet (we are what we eat) and getting away from our screens. I also loved the idea of valuing time and a slower pace of living and of course letting go of needing a ton of money. (I hope I'm a Taylor).

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        5 years ago

        Excellent. Thank you for sharing. Someone else recommended this same article to me - in the same exact day that you brought it up here on Strange coincidence, so I had to really read it :)

        The parts about money reminded me of this one, from a while ago:

        I agree wholeheartedly with your overall assessment of "the usual" and of what they missed: diet & getting away from screens. On that note - GOODNIGHT! :D

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          5 years ago

          Bump. I want this to get up to Article of the Day for tomorrow!

          • jlcipriani5 years ago

            I didn't see the bump request yesterday - but I found myself wanting to read this today after hearing about Bourdain. The central point - that happiness/depression is mostly a product of the perspective taken one's situation rather than the situation itself bears endless repetition because it is so counterintuitive when one is wrestling with the black dog of negative thoughts. There is nothing quite like the sense of relief and release and sudden light that comes with a paradigm shift in thoughts about a difficult situation or self-perception.