  1. The CutEmily Ratajkowski9/15/2038 min
    10 reads2 comments
    The Cut
    10 reads
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    • bartadamley3 years ago

      Wow. What a riveting piece, I am on Emily’s side. This Jonathan character sounds like a real asshole.

      Crazy how someone can go on like this making money off of an image of yours... while you explicitly state your displeasure with it.

      Emily is a very talented writer, would be interesting for a model of her stature to bring more stories like this to the horizon.. which would then hopefully initiate change within the modeling industry where unfortunately men exploit women.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Wow. Some small part of me wanted to give Jonathan the benefit of the doubt. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm a guy. Maybe because I'm borderline obsessed with seeing "both sides." But this passage absolutely floored me:

      (When the fact-checker I worked with on this story reached out to Jonathan about what happened that night after the shoot, he said my allegations were “too tawdry and childish to respond to.” He added: “You do know who we are talking about right? This is the girl that was naked in Treats! magazine, and bounced around naked in the Robin Thicke video at that time. You really want someone to believe she was a victim?”)

      He must just be a full-on sociopath.

      Also, Emily's a great writer.

      Oh, and PS, thanks for nothing, Instagram. It's absolutely astounding just how many tragic stories of our day start and end with this one nightmare company.