  1. The Baffler11/4/1920 min
    5 reads4 comments
    The Baffler
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    • Jim4 years ago

      I think I would have been one of the cave men hanging around the campfire socializing...... hopefully wondering who invented the fire.

    • kellyalysia4 years ago

      loved this line: “Maybe by privileging the atmospheric power of the stutter, we can resist what we’ve been taught to value about talking: efficiency, cleanness, and transaction,” Alpern writes. “Stuttering more suggests another set of speaking values: passion, disobedience, curiosity.”

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Yes! And this: “We’re temporarily naked. And we don’t have control over when we’re forced to be vulnerable. However, the more time you spend defenseless with others, the more chances you have to connect deeply with somebody, because they’ve seen you. And they’ve seen all of you. And all they need to do is reciprocate. All they need to do is strip down, too. And by stuttering, we give them that opportunity.”

        • tdsimpson904 years ago

          This was my favorite line: “When we can walk the interior terrain of ourselves, and tolerate the parts that are challenging, and the parts that are beautiful, and allow them to sit together—tolerate the complexity, the dissonance,” she says—“when we can do that in ourselves, we have the ability to offer that to others.”