  1. The Baffler1/7/1915 min
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    The Baffler
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    • jeff4 years ago

      As a Scorpio I approve of this article. There are some gems in here but it left me wondering why women are in general much more interested in Astrology than men.

      As with many cultural phenomena, the perceived danger of astrology is not in how it’s practiced now but in its hypothetical future application by morons, and I tend to think the patronizing discursive tendency to cater to the dumbest possible reader by foretelling grave sociocultural consequences in innocuous activities results more from a desire to appear a know-something whistleblower than to save society from descent into barbarism.


      • Alexa4 years ago

        This may be woo, but I think women have a natural predisposition to astrology that has historically shown up in their role healers, shamans, oracles...all that witchy stuff.

        Women fill a role of connector & community builder, while males would go out and hunt/war. That predisposition to the unbelievable or unexplainable suits females to knitting together society on the basis of beliefs & stories.

        This might be because there's definitely a difference in how the female brain functions bc of estrogen. That hormone is thought to increase connections in the brain, which might make it more prone to noticing connections in the outside world.

        • bill
          Top reader of all time
          4 years ago

          Yep. Women are more sensitive, emotional, intuitive, and creative than men.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Great find!

        I’m putting this one back in the Top 10!

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Cancerian here! ♋️ I approve this message.(Amazing article.)

      this is the foundation of the vogue for in-depth astrology: as in fiction, its fakeness allows it to inhabit an intuitive, shifting truth.

      Whoaaaaaa. Yessss. The cosmos created us. And we’re all going to turn back into stardust. All around us, bundles of energy are moving in patterns. At a certain point in the last few years, I realized that I’m hunting for cheat codes, in real life, as though in a simulation, or giant game. It’s a way to feel alive. It’s something to work on. It’s a framework. (Just realized how much I love that word: frame-work.)

      Anyway, if you’re not into astrology, that’s chill. I’m not either. But there’s zero reason to hate on the folks who are trying, in earnest, to get tiny glimpses of the big patterns.

      Oyler! Oyler! Oyler!

    • Alexa4 years ago

      This is great, clear 10.

      It's so easy to want to relate to the archetypes they lay out for each sign. Leo over here and this, of course, makes me feel identified.

      I can plant, in their minds, the idea that I am passionate, brave, and fond of flashy accessories.

      I definitely like flashy accessories and who doesn't want to be thought of as brave/passionate?