  1. The AtlanticIan Bogost3/19/209 min
    9 reads9 comments
    The Atlantic
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    • jamie4 years ago

      Rules, rule of law, are a necessity and only become painful when they are directed at us. People go into a detailed scenario about getting weapons on airplanes (game or not) and the FBI then questions those people. That is not an infringement on peoples personal space, it sounds like someone is doing their job. Every time we stop at a red light it is not because we want to, its because we need to. These are trying times and some personal liberties are going to be restricted. I would like to believe that people would do the right thing without being forced to but for some that not the case. Hey, just wondering how efficient is Cuomo! Is he the only adult in the room? I'm going to keep an eye on him and hope he is the real deal but I am not trusting my intuition..... I really liked Rudy after 911 and now I think he is a buffoon.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Great comment. Thank you for digging in to this! Just a few days ago, this topic of conversation wasn’t possible.

        A little over a week ago, before we all got torn apart, I was with a friend, looking at the clouds, and I said: I don’t care if it means that more people die. We can’t let things go this way. Now I’m thousands of miles away, sheltered, still fearful, and waking up nightly in violent panics, completely drenched in sweat.

        These are, indeed, trying times. Question for you: from now until 2030 (or 2040 or 2050 - you pick any time span) do you think these “times” are going to get more or less “trying”? (I have many follow-ups, but this is the most important preliminary thing we’d need to completely agree on.)

        I would like to believe that people would do the right thing without being forced to but for some that not the case.

        Most Americans would probably agree with you. But I come at this from a very different perspective. I think it’s really disturbing to assume that anybody knows what is “right” right now. Lots of smart scientists are offering great guidance. We should follow. But Uncle Sam can’t save us. He’ll try. And the harder he insists on trying the uglier this will get.

        I’m so pumped for the resurgence of true individualism in America. The myth is that individualists don’t help each other. That’s completely not true. That’s what urban liberals don’t get about country people - they help each other. All day every day as a way of life. Starts with family, spreads from there. It’s beautiful and it’s our only hope.

    • Florian4 years ago

      It’s a shame the author never got back to elaborate on the handmaid’s tail comparison. It’s certainly something that is on my mind a lot these days. Waiting for someone to bless the fruit. 😒

      • vunderkind4 years ago

        The book or the show? ._.

        • Florian4 years ago

          I’m one of those people who only saw the show. Is the book even more extreme?

          • vunderkind4 years ago

            I haven't seen either LOL. I want to consume the Handmaid's Tale from your POV, so I'm going to watch the show.

            • Florian4 years ago

              Oh wow, yes, do it! I can’t imagine how terrifying it would be to watch the show now with everything that’s unfolding!! Please share your experience somehow :) Let me tell you this: it’s one of those shows that when you watch it during “regular” times feels like it’s kinda possible but not really because it’s too much of a stretch. But with all the changes right now... I’m not so sure anymore.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      4 years ago

      Let’s stay free! My god, yes! This is the article I’ve been waiting for!!

    • vunderkind4 years ago

      I really admire America's spirit of freedom. I'm not surprised to see that it is tethered to bureaucracy and respect for authority (no society would work otherwise).

      I guess I'm telling Ian not to beat himself over it. America, culturally speaking, inspires us to chase our dreams :D