  1. The AtlanticJordan Kisner3/7/2025 min
    23 reads7 comments
    The Atlantic
    23 reads
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    • kellyalysia
      Reading streak
      3 years ago

      I love this so much. I have had one experience with Reiki, and it was very interesting! I felt turned on, like my pelvis was warm, super wild (sacral chakra attunement I would imagine).

      I haven't had Reiki since, but I stayed in a house with a Reiki healer for a month, and realized through that experience that maybe there was some intuitive force that brought me /will bring me to the healer that I'm meant to have. Because after a month there it never occurred for me to ask her for a session, it just didn't at all connect for me at the time, and I think that's powerful too in a way.

    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      I won a Reiki session today! Looking forward to the experience. Viewed a video interview with the healer today and feel really good about her.

    • bill
      Top reader of all time
      3 years ago

      Slow. Deep. Real. Those are my words right now. My mantra. First thing in the morning, when it’s still pitch black outside and I have no clue why I’m awake or alive, I like to meditate on those words. I also like to journal, and when I don’t know what to say, I start by writing Slow. Deep. Real.

      I absolutely loved this article about Reiki because my words (slow, deep, real) are everywhere in here. I have no experience with Reiki, but of course I’m a believer. So much so that I really feel bad for people who don’t believe.

      “Through an unknown mechanism, when a Reiki practitioner places their hands - mindfully and with detachment - it evokes the healing response from deep within the system,” she said. “We really don’t know why this happens.”

      Makes perfect sense to me. Humans are energy.

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        3 years ago

        Your response is interesting. What prevents you from experiencing it?

    • EZ19693 years ago

      I think you have to experience Reiki for yourself and make your own judgment. For me, Reiki creates the most intense meditative state. I have had had elegant solutions to what felt like intractable problems come to me. I have also felt incredibly supported. I carry the fruits of Reiki afterwards. They seem to build on themselves. I'm a lawyer, trained to be a skeptic. Reiki exists on a different plane, a level of feeling. Imagine receiving a gift you didn't know you needed. For me, that's Reiki. We are giving, wanting, needing, supplying all the time. So rarely are we just receiving. In my experience, that's where the magic of Reiki lies.

      • Pegeen
        Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
        3 years ago

        Beautiful, elegant reply!

    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      Our bodies have an innate Intelligence that far surpasses any computer built today. It is constantly seeking homeostasis. As a culture, we are not taught to have a relationship with this Intelligence. We live mostly outside of ourselves, heavily influenced by advertising and consumerism. There is so much noise and distraction pulling us outward, that this loving, brilliant teacher is ignored, despite it’s many initial warnings. And worse, we abuse this benevolent being with junk food, toxic thoughts and lack of movement. I am intrigued that people are so quick to debunk such a nonthreatening, healing modality. Just take a walk in nature, without devices, open to it’s beauty, it’s ease and flow - that’s Reiki. It’s everywhere and we all have access to it. It just takes the discipline to be in silence, breathe deeply and invite it in. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most powerful in the world. And they abuse that power all the time. At least with Reiki, there are no side affects. Love is free and it heals. And healing occurs on many levels, not just the body.