  1. The AtlanticCullen Murphy12/10/1910 min
    7 reads5 comments
    The Atlantic
    7 reads
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    • deephdave
      Top reader of all timeScout
      4 years ago

      Awesome read! From the printing press to the Internet how freedom expression has been evolving. The government often tries to muzzle free speech by bribing journalists, Internet shutdowns and censorship. Thanks to whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, we came to know about government propaganda and mass surveillance. In India, it's been intriguing to follow and give feedback to an ongoing debate about the "Personal Data Protection Bill" and right to privacy is a fundamental right.

    • jeff
      4 years ago

      Some very interesting history here. The lowering of barriers to self-expression, whether via the printing press or the internet, is always a good thing.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Upvote this article and upvote “lowering of barriers to self-expression is always a good thing.”

    • jbuchana4 years ago

      A great article.

      The change in the quantity of book production changed the quality of the human reality.

    • Alexa4 years ago

      Completely fascinating. This looks at how the printing press created major upheaval by changing the way we share & reproduce ideas (whether true or fake news) and compares that to the rise of the internet. Really freaking cool.

      as the example of Gutenberg’s invention suggests, it’s easy to forget how unforeseeable (and never-ending) the “unforeseeable” really is.