  1. Supun KavindaSupun Kavinda1/30/214 min
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    Supun Kavinda
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    • thorgalle
      Top reader this weekReading streakScribe
      3 years ago

      Disqus always looked "friendly" to me from the outside, with a nice UX and important mission. But this amount of tracking (and generally polluting their customer's websites) is really ugly.

      If you are currently using Disqus on your website and value your user's privacy, consider migrating from Disqus to a privacy-first commenting system. One such service is Hyvor Talk, which I founded as a hobby project and now has grown into a profitable SaaS business in less than one year (with 3 employees and growing).

      Haha, excellent plug. I really didn't see it coming.

      1. Update (2/21/2021):

        Found this through a Humane Tech forum thread. Some good further questions/discussion there!