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    • Alexa3 years ago

      WOW. Ok this is fantastic.

      It's not a funny article, but I found it pretty amusing. My best friend had a run-in with this exact phenomenon a few months back. She's a Zero Waste advocate and her insta community is big in the consciousness, design, and high vibes space. All of a sudden they were all going on about adrenochrome, pedophiles etc...

      We were v confused. She started asking questions of one gal (and sending hilarious screenshots) and this EXACT thing happened:

      "These videos rarely go into specifics; they tend to reference a documentary (that they’ll share with you over DM) or encourage the viewer to really prepare their self-care regimen before they go poking around into these dark truths and finally get “woke” in an entirely different sense."

      Nailed the playbook. (and btw the video is mind-numbingly long and 10x worse than gaia tv for crazy making)

      But really, this normalcy fetish is concerning. To be so obsessed with normalcy that you can believe some of this. Conspiracy thinking is fascinating, but the amount of it happening lately kind of ruins it for being an interesting cultural anecdote and just makes it feel dangerous to democracy. uf.