  1. Sam Altman1 min
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    Sam Altman
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    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      Another quote that has crossed my path from Kaypacha on YouTube who heard it from someone else:

      “It is none of my business what you think of me.”

      I am guilty of being a sponge and target for so much sensitivity. I am a shaky hummingbird finding Warrior Strength with each passing year.

      I just found out a former housemate completely betrayed my Good-Hearted Nature and my willingness to vouch for her when she did not do (what I believe the right thing would have been) and created a slanderous aftermath that I have been completely naive to until this Winter Solstice. If I am Honest my Intuition and Gut Knew I was just in denial because I found it so hard to believe she was just being fake the whole time. She was.

      After striving to be a Good Guy and getting fucked over...I refuse to give up on making Wise Decision yet Experiences as such slowly erode my ability to extend as many fucks given.

      May All Beings Be Happy and Free and Authentically Crazy-Strange-Weird-Beautiful.

      1. Update (12/23/2020):

        queues Expectations by Katie Pruitt

    • SEnkey3 years ago


    • marius3 years ago

      "You should trade being short-term low-status for being long-term high-status, which most people seem unwilling to do. A common way this happens is by eventually being right about an important but deeply non-consensus bet."