  1. salvationmountain.us4 min
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    • Pegeen
      Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
      3 years ago

      I stumbled upon this man, Leonard Knight, and became obsessed - much like the man himself! I posted another article that further explores his art, which is SO inspiring and insane. Despite being religious, his basic message that God (or whatever name you give it - spirit, nature) is Love is one I can embrace.

      • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

        Can u post a link to the other article in thread replies? Is that possible here? I would love to read it. My iPhone is broken and it is picky as to how I can move around apps and such now. Not easy. Interested to read the second article though.

        • Pegeen
          Top reader this weekReading streakScoutScribe
          3 years ago

          Sorry, I am totally technically challenged! I did post the other article on Readup that goes more into his art. I am also NOT into religion - at all! I was raised Catholic and it REALLY messed with me - too much guilt, shame and fear. I intimately know the process of getting the cobwebs out - takes a lifetime! But I was able to put that aside with Leonard and just focus on his message of love and his drive to create. People who live on the fringe interest me. Wait until you see his art - insane! And the process of creating it - enthralling! Let me know if you find the other story on Readup. If not, I can ask for assistance in getting it to you from someone knowledgable. Thanks for your comments.

    • DellwoodBarker3 years ago

      I am a Fully Recovered Southern Baptist so religion makes me skittish. I really have to Focus to not immediately shift into fear and judgement around any fanatic whom starts spouting Jesus. His teachings are about Heart Actions (as Is All the Great Faith & Love Teachers) over baseless talk. Has taken years to get the cobwebs out of my mind. With that said, the Simplicity he found in the Message and longed to Share Is Admirable as the Explicably Simple & Inexplicably Profound Are simultaneously the Key to both Faith & Faithlessness.

      Omg, that prayer Joyously Sexual and if We All Experienced Faith & Love from such Explosively, Sexually Liberating & Revelatory Orgasms Our Universe would Cum Together in Deepest Union.

      Also, San Diego... never been...I look forward to visiting; perhaps a chapter of living one day.

      I can’t help but Imagine the trajectory of Leonard’s Life if he had remained True to the Musically Creative Chapter of his life back East...the guitar and music chapter.

      1. Update (11/11/2020):

        “With that said, the Simplicity {Leonard} found in the Message...”