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    • kellyalysia4 years ago

      There's super valid points in this. It's nothing earth-shattering though and if you know basic stuff about how the brain works, you won't find much new. Being bored is good for us, don't pack a lot in.

      • bill
        Top reader of all time
        4 years ago

        Yes. Yes yes yes. Yesterday I flipped my wall calendar from May to June and the emptiness was a profoundly beautiful, borderline-intimidating sight to see. Not a single thing on it! (Or, July, August, or Sept for that matter!) It’s obviously a phase I’m going through, but I REFUSE to make plans. I am where I am and that’s that. It’s been profound.

        An additional layer on top of “de-calendar” yourself is “de-locate” yourself. Getting lost is a skill; Solnit’s A Field Guide to Getting Lost is a great primer. I have a paper map, but I don’t really use it much anymore because I know I’m going to kill at least another month going up and around Michigan, via the Upper Peninsula, and then down across Wisconsin toward the Mississippi River. I can do that on road signs and talking to people. That should get me to July(ish). If not, even better. What a wonderful thing to have no clue where I’ll be tomorrow.