  1. You must read the article before you can comment on it.
    • jbuchana3 years ago

      The relevance to parachute use is that individuals jumping from aircraft without the help of a parachute are likely to have a high prevalence of pre-existing psychiatric morbidity.

      It follows, therefore, that the apparent protective effect of parachutes may be merely an example of the “healthy cohort” effect.

      This is very convincing.

      • Alexa3 years ago

        on the blindingly small chance I ever jumped from a plane I’d still hedge my bets with a parachute

    • Alexa3 years ago

      Reminds me of the Sokal Hoax where three scholars wrote 20 fake papers using fashionable jargon to argue for ridiculous conclusions, with everything from Breastauarants to Dog-Park Sex in the mix, and got a startling number of them published.

      It is often said that doctors are interfering monsters obsessed with disease and power, who will not be satisfied until they control every aspect of our lives (Journal of Social Science, pick a volume).

      this sass, HA

      1. Update (5/12/2020):

        shouldn't have combined the Sokal Hoax (late 90s) with the 2018 one with 20 fake papers. Two separate farces and I didn't distinguish. Although, they do call the newer one "New Sokal Hoax" or "Sokal Squared" so...yea.

      • jeff3 years ago

        Journal reviewers should be forced to read submitted articles on Readup before recommending they be published. Problem solved! (Except for the fact that we don't support PDFs ...yet)

        • Alexa3 years ago

          ha, truth! The world of academic publishing could certainly benefit from a little oversight and honesty in a Readup comments section. It doesn't help so many scientists are taught to write smart rather than to write for understanding when there is really no case for the former. That system has some serious flaws, and apparently no one notices that these hoaxers keep pointing it out!

    • jeff3 years ago

      The complete lack of proper clinical trials is very disturbing. All Big Parachute cares about is selling more parachutes!!