  1. Pocket9 min
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    • Alexa3 years ago

      Fantastic musing on the creative process, I found myself cheering along to so resonates on such deep levels.

      Like the knights of the Middle Ages, there is little the creatively inclined person can do but to prepare himself, body and spirit, for the labor to come — for his adventures are all unknown.

      A lot of it calls upon the mindset necessary and creating a practice, some of the most helpful ways to get yourself in the swing of creating.

      I love it, and especially resonated with the part about how the distractions aren't just external...the phone calls and the knocks on the door. I have a neon sign on a timer that says "f*ck off" on the wall outside office door so I can protect my train of thought we need to not be interrupted, and notice that even when I'm home alone it's more often my mind that wanders and blocks me (oh, an email!) than others.